Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Very Special Occasion

When I was younger I used to make a big deal about special occasions. Usually over the top, "let me show you how much I care" sort of spectacles (which now that I think about it would've been perfect for this social media age).

As I grow older, redefine what is important to me, and come to truly understand how actions speak infinitely louder than mere words, I'm less and less inclined to use a special occasion to say things I feel every day...but I know how you appreciate these things on your birthday =]

Every day you do the job of two people with barely a complaint. Every day you are an amazing mother to our son. Every day you give me the peace and strength I often find so difficult to muster for myself.

Every day these past few years and these past 8 months proves to me that it is indeed possible to find a love that is selfless and unwavering, and more and more how impossibly lucky I am to be a recipient of it.

Wishing you the happiest of birthdays. I know this year we couldn't make all your wishes come true, but here's to rectifying that in 2021.