Sunday, August 23, 2009


"Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda

Who would've known such wisdom would come from George Lucas? I mean, that's from the same guy who said:

I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything’s soft and smooth." -Anakin

I'm always torn between doing or not doing. Often times I do too much - I explain myself too much, I'm overbearing to the point of annoyance, I try to teach the same lesson over and over to no avail, I talk, talk, and talk some more.

A lot of times I don't do enough - I assume things are taken care of, I let good friends fall to the wayside, I give up on things and on people because I can't be bothered to actually TRY and do something!

The point is (and isn't there *always* a point with me?) I've never really tried to find a good balance between the two. To know when enough is enough, to cut my losses, to take the measure of my current winnings and cash out with something rather than nothing at all...but at the same time, to be willing to risk myself, mentally, emotionally, sometimes even physically, to attain something that is worth that risk. I think it's a hard lesson to learn, the ability to gauge and obtain that balance, but I am trying.

Each day I feel better about the direction I am heading, and more importantly, where I currently am. Not for a very long time have I felt that...the sense of stability and peace that I have right now. I hope that it stays with me for a long time. =]

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